📘 Introduction

Getting Started

Node 22.12.0 Typescript Telegram

In this package has a core HTTP structure that facilitates webhook management for Telegram bots. It is compatible with various frameworks (Express, Fastify, Koa, Hapi) and provides a set of tools you can use to manage and log your bots messages.

You can manage all your workers in a single group, or each worker in their own private chat window. If you planing to manage in a group, your main worker should have the permission to read the messages in the group *considering that all messages will be logged simultaneously on your server.

You can inspect Telegram setWebhook attributes from the official documentation.


Listens and processes webhook requests from Telegram bots.
Supported with examples using the starter structure of each framework for easy implementation.
Optionally configurable logging function is used to log all messages by default.
Core based has message deletion and message sending functions available for each worker.
Scalable bot configuration
Seamless and optional NGROK integration (re-tunnelled on every run for every employee.)
Typescript workspace ready to build.

📦 Installation

Install packages from NPM

Get a package according to the framework you are using. Core package should be preferred in Node HTTP environment.

⚠️ WARNING: This package is tested ESM only. In Node.js (version 18+), install with npm according to your framework:


1npm i telegram-hooker/core


1npm i @telegram-hooker/express


1npm i @telegram-hooker/fastify


1npm i @telegram-hooker/koa


1npm i @telegram-hooker/hapi

GET chatId

Note that you must add at least one bot before you build the project. To get details about your main worker’s telegram configuration, make a GET request with any tool to the following endpoint with the API key of the bot you created via BotFather.

⚠️ NOTE: Response similar to the following response will be returned in result to the request sent.


1GET https://api.telegram.org/bot123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11/getMe


 2  "ok": true,
 3  "result": {
 4    "id": 0123456789, /* This is a chatId */
 5    "is_bot": true,
 6    "first_name": "BotName",
 7    "username": "NameBot",
 8    "can_join_groups": true,
 9    "can_read_all_group_messages": true,
10    "supports_inline_queries": false,
11    "can_connect_to_business": false,
12    "has_main_web_app": false
13  }

GET groupId

When you create a group, you can access the groupId key by default if there is only one administrator in the group. So remember to store the groupId key immediately after creating the group. This may become a need in your future developments.

To access superGroupId, bot must have administrator privileges in group where is in. If you meet these requirements, send a message to the group where the bot is located.

Then send a GET request to the following endpoint.

⚠️ NOTE: Response similar to the following response will be returned in result to the request sent.

If you don’t get the expected answer, be sure to /start the bot via private chat.


1GET https://api.telegram.org/bot123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11/getUpdates


 2  "ok": true,
 3  "result": [
 4   {
 5      "update_id": 0123456789,
 6      "message": {
 7        "message_id": 4883,
 8        "from": {
 9          "id": 0123456789, /* Your chatId */
10          "is_bot": false,
11          "first_name": "D",
12          "username": "arg0WAK",
13          "language_code": "en"
14        },
15        "chat": {
16          "id": -1000123456789, /* This is a superGroupId */
17          "title": "0x62",
18          "type": "supergroup"
19        },
20        "date": 1735604231,
21        "text": "Hello, Github!"
22      }
23    }
24  ]

Final Process

Access your installRoute (eg: /webhook/specify-your-route/install) and drop a post request with the token you defined. Make all your workers ready for communication via the hook you created.

Telegram Hooker

🧮 Functions


Once implemented, the @telegram-hooker package provides you with a number of packages that you can use. These packages help you perform a number of functions to process messages from your workers and build various structures.

There are basically 2 middleware functions and 4 standard functions.

Middleware functions

createHook() createRoute() handleRequest()

Standart functions

sendMessage() deleteMessage() removeAllMessage() log()


This function is the pre-function that must be implemented to create your hook. All configurations expected by the API service should be defined here. Although this function has the basic Telegram API configuration, it introduces some solutions to make it easier for you to use.

Implement a create hook function to your project. If you are using a Typescript environment, make sure you specify the appropriate type for the framework you depend on.

The following example reflects its use in a simple node-http environment. Refer to examples for other frameworks.

Configure createHook function

 1/* Create a new hook tree */
 2const worker: TelegramHookerCore = createHook({
 3  port: port, /* Define your server port */
 4  proxy: false, /* If you want to use a proxy, define your URL with a string type in the proxy key (e.g. 'https:/*proxy.arg0.dev') */
 5  installRoute: '/webhook/specify-your-route', /* Recommended usage starts with '/webhook' (e.g. '/webhook/arg0WAK') */
 6  token: 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0k1l2m3n4o5p6q7r8s9t0u', /* Define your bot token for Frontend API */
 7  ngrokAuthToken: 'NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN', /* Define your ngrok authtoken */
 8  enableFileLogs: true, /* If you want to save logs of messages received from Telegram */
 9  enableCommandLineLogs: false, /* If you don't want to see logs in the console */
10  logsDirectory: 'logs/arg0', /* Define the directory for logs this worker */
11  groupId: '-1234567890', /* Define your group id */
12  superGroupId: '-123456789124', /* Define your supergroup id */
13  workers: {
14    /* Define your main worker (You must have at least one main worker.) */
15    main_worker: {
16      userName: 'MainBot', /* Define your worker username */
17      token: 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0k1l2m3n4o5p6q7r8s9t0u', /* Define your worker token */
18      chatId: '-123456789' /* Define your chat id */
19    }
20  },
21  ipAddress: '', /* Define your server IP address (e.g. '') */
22  handShake: true, /* If you want to use a certificate, set it to true and define the path to the certificate */
23  certificatePath: 'path/to/certificate.pem', /* If handShake is true you must define the path to the certificate */
24  maxConnections: 100, /* Define the maximum number of connections */
25  dropPendingUpdates: true, /* If you want to drop pending updates, set it to true (recommended) */
26  /* Define the allowed updates (probably you need to only use 'message' and 'callback_query') */
27  allowedUpdates: [
28    'message',
29    'edited_message',
30    'channel_post',
31    'edited_channel_post',
32    'inline_query',
33    'chosen_inline_result',
34    'callback_query',
35    'shipping_query',
36    'pre_checkout_query',
37    'poll',
38    'poll_answer',
39    'my_chat_member',
40    'chat_member'
41  ],
42  secretToken: true /* If you want to use a secret token equal Bearer token, set it to true. Otherwise, you can define different token */


This function connects the created hook to the routes of the same port you are working on. This way it works like a middleware and not like a microservice. The goal is to distinguish between routes in your project and defined routes.

⚠️ WARNING: That’s function only will use in Express, Fastify, Koa, Hapi frameworks.


1/* Handle webhook requests */
2app.use('/', worker.createRoute()) // Its will be work like a middleware


1/* Handle webhook requests */
2fastify.register(worker.createRoute) // Its will be work like a middleware


1/* Handle webhook requests */
2worker.createRoute(app) // Its will be work like a middleware


1/* Handle webhook requests */
2worker.createRoute(server) // Its will be work like a middleware


This function should only be used in the Node HTTP environment as it comes from the core package and is not associated with any framework. This way it works like a middleware and not like a microservice.

⚠️ WARNING: That’s function only will use in Node HTTP environment.


1/* Handle webhook requests */
2worker.handleRequest(req, res) // Its will be work like a middleware


This function captures the json objects returned from req.body and saves them to the path you specify with the file name you specify. This necessary to effectively use the removeAllMessage functions.

⚠️ TIPS:: The logic is simple. When sending the API request, it goes as message.message_id. So if you don’t have the id of your own messages, you can’t delete them. So you should include these messages in your logs in json format.


1await worker.log(message, 'messages.json')


This function allows your main worker to delete a single message. In order for the function to work efficiently, make sure that you define at least one main worker, that the privacy mode of that worker is turned off and that it has admin privileges if it is in a group.

⚠️ WARNING: In order to delete the messages sent by isBot=false users, you need to save the post requests sent to the endpoint of the main_worker user in json format using the worker.log() function via req.body.message.


1await worker.deleteMessage(chatworker.config.logsDirectory, 'LOG_FILE_NAME.json', <Number(MESSAGE_ID)>, worker.config.workers.main_worker.token)


Depending on your preference, this function allows an employee under the corresponding hook to send you a message.

⚠️ WARNING: If the enableLogFile parameter is set to true, the message sent will also be saved in the logsDirectory/messages.json file.


1await worker.sendMessage(chatworker.config.workers.main_worker, 'Hello World!')


This function sends the ids of all messages saved in the log file to the deleteMessage() function.


1await worker.removeAllMessage(chatworker.config.logsDirectory, 'LOG_FILE_NAME.json'worker.config.workers.main_worker.token)

💡 Types

Using with Typescript

The package is written in typescript. Therefore, if you want to use the package in a typescript project, you should be aware that types have different names depending on the package.

Fortunately, you only need to pass a type to the createHook function. Here is the type configuration you should use when defining createHook for each environment.


1import TelegramHookerCore, { createHook } from '@telegram-hooker/core'
3const worker: TelegramHookerCore = createHook({
4    /* ... */


The package is written in typescript. Therefore, if you want to use the package in a typescript project, you should be aware that types have different names depending on the package.

Fortunately, you only need to pass a type to the createHook function. Here is the type configuration you should use when defining createHook for each environment.


1import TelegramHookerExpress, { createHook } from '@telegram-hooker/express'
3const worker: TelegramHookerExpress = createHook({
4    /* ... */


The package is written in typescript. Therefore, if you want to use the package in a typescript project, you should be aware that types have different names depending on the package.

Fortunately, you only need to pass a type to the createHook function. Here is the type configuration you should use when defining createHook for each environment.


1import TelegramHookerFastify, { createHook } from '@telegram-hooker/fastify'
3const worker: TelegramHookerFastify = createHook({
4    /* ... */


The package is written in typescript. Therefore, if you want to use the package in a typescript project, you should be aware that types have different names depending on the package.

Fortunately, you only need to pass a type to the createHook function. Here is the type configuration you should use when defining createHook for each environment.


1import TelegramHookerKoa, { createHook } from '@telegram-hooker/koa'
3const worker: TelegramHookerKoa = createHook({
4    /* ... */


The package is written in typescript. Therefore, if you want to use the package in a typescript project, you should be aware that types have different names depending on the package.

Fortunately, you only need to pass a type to the createHook function. Here is the type configuration you should use when defining createHook for each environment.


1import TelegramHookerHapi, { createHook } from '@telegram-hooker/hapi'
3const worker: TelegramHookerHapi = createHook({
4    /* ... */